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作家相片: chew weyxiuchew weyxiu





2. 糖尿病风险增加:过多的体重可能导致身体对胰岛素的抵抗,增加患糖尿病的风险。

3. 关节问题:过多的体重会增加骨骼和关节的负担,导致关节疼痛、腰椎和膝盖不适等问题。

4. 睡眠障碍:超重可能导致睡眠呼吸暂停、鼾症等问题,影响睡眠质量,进而影响白天的精力和注意力。

5. 心理健康问题:超重可能引发自尊心下降、焦虑和抑郁等心理健康问题,影响个人的生活质量和社交关系。







【Management Strategies for Weight beyond just the Numbers: Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach】

Being overweight isn’t merely about the numbers on the scale; it's a signal of bodily imbalance. Overweight concerns encompass various negative impacts on health:

1. Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Excess weight raises the risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension by affecting blood circulation and cardiac function.

2. Elevated Diabetes Risk: Excessive weight might lead to insulin resistance, increasing the risk of developing diabetes.

3. Joint Issues: Excess weight burdens bones and joints, causing joint pain, lumbar discomfort, and knee problems.

4. Sleep Disorders: Being overweight may cause sleep apnea, snoring, affecting sleep quality, and consequently impacting daytime energy and focus.

5. Mental Health Concerns: Overweight tendencies might trigger lowered self-esteem, anxiety, depression, impacting personal life quality and social connections.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, the body operates as a dynamic balanced system. Being overweight might indicate poor digestive functions of the spleen and stomach, accumulation of dampness, and disrupted circulation of Qi and blood, resulting in reduced metabolism.

TCM emphasizes the significance of dietary adjustments in maintaining bodily equilibrium. A balanced, moderate diet, avoiding overeating, is crucial. Recommending easily digestible, mild foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and appropriately incorporating medicinal diets for regulation is recommended. Calculating daily calorie needs and controlling intake is an effective weight management method.

Emotional instability can disrupt eating habits and hormonal balance, thus affecting weight. TCM emphasizes maintaining a calm mind, learning to relax, appropriate exercise, and sufficient sleep to alleviate hormone imbalances caused by emotional fluctuations.

Acupuncture for weight loss is a unique TCM therapy that regulates the body by adjusting meridians and Qi-blood. Additionally, certain Chinese herbs aid in boosting metabolism and weight control.

Considering individual constitutions and environments, treatment plans for weight concerns should be personalized. Seeking guidance from professional TCM practitioners to create tailored health management plans is advisable.

Weight concerns involve bodily balance and health. Maintaining good health requires attention to overall bodily balance beyond weight management. TCM stresses holistic health regulation rather than just weight reduction. If you have any concerns about your health, consulting a professional TCM practitioner for tailored management strategies is recommended.


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