3. 中医针灸能够调和体内阴阳、促进血液循环,对于缓解高血压症状有一定作用。
4. 适当的运动如太极拳、气功等有助于舒缓身心,提升体内气血循环。
5. 中医中常使用一些草药如山楂、丹参、桑螵蛸等来调理高血压,但使用前最好咨询医元中医医师。
#马六甲中医 #医仁中医诊所 #马六甲中医师 #马六甲中医诊所 #中医针灸 #中医推拿 #中医正骨 #拔罐 #中医把脉调理 #高血压 #中药调理 #三高 #代谢降低 #预防心血管疾病 #预防中风 #中风
In TCM, hypertension is referred to as “Yang Shang Kang,” attributed to imbalances in Yin and Yang, Qi and Blood irregularities, and emotional stress. These factors lead to disrupted harmony, hindering smooth Blood circulation, resulting in hypertension symptoms.
TCM approaches for hypertension include:
1. Dietary Adjustments: Emphasizing a light diet, avoiding spicy foods. Certain herbs like Fructus crataegi, Hawthorn, Poria cocos, among others, are believed to help reduce blood pressure.
2. Emotional Regulation: TCM considers emotional fluctuations influential in hypertension. Managing emotions and maintaining mental calmness aids in alleviating hypertension symptoms.
3. Acupuncture and Tui Na Massage: These methods aim to harmonize Yin and Yang, promoting circulation and contributing to symptom relief.
4. Exercise and Regulation: Moderate exercises like Tai Chi, Qigong help relax the body and mind, improving Qi and Blood circulation.
5. Herbal Therapy: Some herbal remedies such as Hawthorn, Salvia miltiorrhiza, and Sangzhi (the fruit spike of the mulberry plant) are used in TCM for hypertension. It’s advisable to consult a professional TCM practitioner before use.
While TCM offers diverse approaches to manage hypertension, treatment outcomes vary due to individual differences. Emphasizing dietary adjustments, emotional balance, suitable exercises, and TCM methods aids in alleviating hypertension symptoms and enhancing quality of life. However, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a qualified TCM practitioner to tailor a personalized treatment plan that suits individual needs.